根据学校《关于2024清明节、劳动节放假的通知》,清明放假时间为2024年4月4日至2024年4月6日,共3天;劳动节放假时间为2024年5月1日至2024年5月5日,共5天。4月7日(星期日)、4月28 日(星期日)、5月11日(星期六)上班。
放假期间,全校留学生停课,来华留学生的公共课由国际学院安排,选修了体育Ⅱ课程的留学生需要在4月7日(星期日)补课,其他公共课不用补课。专业课由学院自行安排补课。4月7日(星期日)、4月28 日(星期日)、5月11日(星期六)有课的老师正常上课。
Notice on Teaching Arrangements for International Students during the Tomb-Sweeping Day and Labor Day Holidays
April 1, 2024
According to the Notice on 2024 Tomb-sweeping Day and Labor Day Holidays of CTGU,the Tomb-sweeping Day Holiday time is from April 4, 2024 to April 6, 2024, a total of three days,the Labor Day holiday is from May 1,2024 to May 5,2024, a total of five days. April 7 (Sunday)、April 28 (Sunday)、 May 11 (Saturday)will be working days.
During the holiday, all courses for international students during Tomb-sweeping Day holiday and Labor Day holiday will be canceled. For general courses, except the International student who choose the Physical Education Ⅱcourse need to make up on April 7 (Sunday), other general courses are unnecessary since teaching hours are arranged enough considering the holidays. For professional courses, each college should make remedial arrangements accordingly. Classes on April 7 (Sunday)、April 28 (Sunday)、 May 11 (Saturday) shall be taught and attended normally.