教育经历 2008.9--2012.6,长沙理工大学,工程力学,学士 2012.9--2017.6,华中科技大学,固体力学,博士(硕博连读) 工作经历 2017.7--2022.12,三峡大学,水利与环境学院,讲师 2023.1-- ,三峡大学,水利与环境学院,副教授
主讲课程 《理论力学》、《材料力学》
主要研究方向 ◆工程结构动力学分析(SHM) ◆水-土-结构相互作用 ◆计算固体力学(岩土) ◆智能材料与多场耦合
主持/参与的科研项目 [1]考虑接触变形的颗粒物-QCM传感器的耦合振动研究 (国家自然科学青年基金,2019-2022,主持)
[2]地质灾害救援现场次生灾害监测装备研发与预警技术研究 (国家重点研发计划,2021--2024,参与)
[3]气冷涡轮叶片流固共轭传热分析的POD模型降阶法研究 (国家自然科学面上基金, 2020-2023,参与)
近5年科研论文(一作/通讯) ◆Xie Xuan,Xie, Jiemin,Luo, WeiWu, Zeyan, Electro-mechanical coupling and frequency characteristics of a quartz crystal resonator covered with micro-pillars, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,141(4), 2019.
◆Xie Xuan, Zheng B, et al. On thickness-shear vibration and frequency shift of a quartz crystal resonator carrying an array of micro-beams adhered with tip nano-particles. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2021, 28(16): 1714-1720.
◆Xie Xuan, Xie J, Jiang S, et al. Mass loading induced frequency shift of a thickness-shear vibrating quartz crystal plate considering size effect based on the modified couple stress theory. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022, 29(16): 2278-2283.
◆Xie Xuan & Wang, Bocheng & Wang, Hairen.Method of wavefront phase retrieval from wavefrontcurvature sensing using membrane modes. Applied Optics. 61. 10043-10048. (2022).
◆Wang Hairen, Xie Xuan(共同通讯), et al, Analysis of the nonlinear hysteresis of the bimorph beam piezoelectric bending actuator for the deformable mirror systems, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes Instruments and Systems, 6(2),2020