学习经历 2008.09-2012.06,华中农业大学农业资源与环境专业,获学士学位; 2012.09-2018.06,华中农业大学土壤学专业,获博士学位。 工作经历 2018.07-2023.12,三峡大学水利与环境学院,讲师; 2024.01-至今,三峡大学水利与环境学院,副教授。 主要成果 (1) Hongfeng Chen, Zhouyang He, Mingxia Hou, Cilai Tang, Yonghong Wu*. Adsorption of trichlorphon on phyllosilicate minerals: Effect of low molecular organic acids. Phedsphere, 2023. (2) Hongfeng Chen, Mingxia Hou, Zhouyang He, Yu Liang, Jinling Xu, Wenfeng Tan*. Adsorption behavior of soil fulvic acid on crystal faces of kaolinite and goethite: Described by CD-MUSIC model. 2023, 903, 165806. (3) Hongfeng Chen, Qi Li, Mingxia Wang, Daobin Ji, Wenfeng Tan*. XPS and two-Dimensional FTIR correlation analysis on the binding characteristics of humic acid onto kaolinite surface. Science of the total environment. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138154. (期刊论文) (4) Hongfeng Chen, Koopal K. Luuk, Jinling Xu, Mingxia Wang, Wenfeng Tan*. Selective adsorption of soil humic acid on binary systems containing kaolinite and goethite: Assessment of sorbent interactions. European Journal of Soil Science. 2019, 70(5): 1098-1107. (期刊论文) (5) Hongfeng Chen, Koopal K. Luuk, Juan Xiong, Avena J. Marcelo, Wenfeng Tan*. Mechanisms of soil humic acid adsorption onto montmorillonite and kaolinite. Journal of colloid and interface science. 2017, 504: 457-467. (期刊论文)
主持/参与科研项目 (1) 国家自然科学青年基金,42007020,铝同晶替代赤铁矿表面腐殖酸的形态分布与稳定机制,2021.01-2023.12,24万元,主持 (2) 国家自然科学基金,国际(地区)合作与交流项目子课题,4191101230,新兴面源污染物(有机氯为例)的监测和修复:可持续综合方案,2020.01-2022.12,14万元,主持 (3) 国土资源部仿真重点实验室,开放课题,KF-2018-03-048,土地利用系统健康评价与优化策略,2018.12-2020.12,20万元,主持 |